
all on 4 dental implants leesburg va dental implants leesburg Dr. Zack Mekouar. Russell Branch Dental. Veneers, Teeth Whitening Traditional Braces (Metal and Ceramic), Invisalign, Root Canals, Wisdom Teeth Removal, Emergency Dental Services in Leesburg, VA 20175



Are you searching for a solution to replace missing teeth or an entire arch of teeth? Contact us about our All-on-4 dental implants in Leesburg, VA! Russell Branch Dental & Orthodontics specializes in providing patients with top-notch dental care, including All-on-4s. These dental implants are the perfect solution for those looking to improve their smile efficiently, effectively, and affordably.

What Are All-On-4s?

This revolutionary procedure involves placing four implants into your jawbone, and we attach a temporary tooth arch to the implants until the lab creates your final set. The process is effective and efficient. If you are looking for a dental solution that offers excellent results, long-lasting benefits, and improved quality of life, all-on-4s may be perfect.

What Are the Benefits?

Missing teeth can negatively impact your self-confidence, but All-on-4s can restore your smile and give you the confidence to live your life to the fullest! Replacing missing teeth with a complete set of new teeth, All-on-4s can provide a life-changing cosmetic improvement. With a new, bright smile, you’ll be confident to face any public situation with pride.

All-on-4s are incredibly easy to maintain. The implants act like natural teeth and do not require any special treatment, like removing or soaking overnight.

And with proper care and maintenance, All-on-4s can last decades, offering a long-lasting solution to your dental needs. Traditional dentures can wear down, become damaged, and require repair or replacement. All-on-4s, on the other hand, are made of high-quality, durable materials that can withstand typical wear and tear in everyday life. 

All-on-4s not only provide cosmetic improvement, but they also provide patients with significant functional benefits, such as improved chewing capabilities, better speech, and proper jaw alignment. All-on-4s improve patients’ quality of life, as you’ll be able to eat, speak, and laugh without any discomfort or worry about your missing teeth.

What is the Dental Implant Placement Procedure?

Step 1: Evaluation and Planning

The first step in the All-On-4s procedure is to evaluate your oral health comprehensively. Dr. Mekouar and his team will take X-rays, impressions, and scans to create a virtual model of your mouth. This will help to determine the best placement of the implants and ensure optimal function and longevity.

Step 2: Extraction of Teeth and Implant Placement

Once the evaluation is complete, we will extract any teeth as necessary and place the implants. The All-On-4s technique uses four dental implants to anchor an entire arch of teeth rather than one implant for each tooth. We insert the implants into the jawbone, where they will fuse over time to create a stable foundation for the prosthetic teeth.

Step 3: Temporary Teeth Placement

After implant placement, we will affix a temporary prosthesis to the implants. This will allow your mouth to heal correctly while providing a functional and aesthetic solution during the healing process. Over time, your mouth will adjust to the temporary teeth, making the transition to your permanent prosthesis much more comfortable.

Step 4: Permanent Prosthesis Placement

Once your mouth has healed and your implants have fused to the jawbone, it’s time to place your permanent prosthesis. This prosthetic appliance will be custom-designed for you and look and feel like your natural teeth. You’ll be able to eat, talk, and laugh confidently and comfortably!

Step 5: Aftercare and Maintenance

Like natural teeth, dental implants require proper care and maintenance to stay healthy and functional. This includes regular brushing and flossing, routine dental checkups, and professional cleaning per Dr. Mekouar’s recommendations. With proper care and maintenance, your All-On-4s can last for many years, providing a beautiful, comfortable, and functional smile for years.

More Than Just All-On-4s

All-on-4s, All-on-5s, or All-on-6s involve placing four, five, or six implants, providing stability and durability for your new smile, depending on your treatment needs. Regardless of the number of recommended implants, you’ll have a complete set of natural-looking teeth securely anchored in your jawbone, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile confidently. We also offer implant-supported bridges, implant-supported dentures, and traditional dental implant restorations.

all on 4 dental implants leesburg va dental implants leesburg Dr. Zack Mekouar. Russell Branch Dental. Veneers, Teeth Whitening Traditional Braces (Metal and Ceramic), Invisalign, Root Canals, Wisdom Teeth Removal, Emergency Dental Services in Leesburg, VA 20175
We Also Offer Emergency Dentistry

We understand that dental emergencies can happen at any time. That’s why we offer emergency services to ensure our patients receive the care they need as soon as possible. Whether you have a broken tooth that’s causing you pain or require a root canal, our team of experienced professionals is here to help. 

We even offer same-day appointments for urgent cases, so you don’t have to endure discomfort for long. And if you need an extraction, including wisdom teeth removal, we’ll provide the necessary treatment with gentle care and attention. We prioritize our patient’s oral health and well-being above all else, and our emergency services reflect that commitment.

All-On-4 Dental Implants in Leesburg, VA

All-on-4s may be the perfect solution for your dental needs! Russell Branch Dental & Orthodontics is here to answer all your questions about this revolutionary solution and help you restore your beautiful, confident smile! 

Contact us today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Zack Mekouar and his team! In addition to quality family dentistry in Leesburg, Virginia, we offer cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics! We’re here for your every dental need and happy to help!